Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) has facilitated a capacity strengthening training for seed i...
TAAT facilitates ToT on rapid cassava propagation system for Angola
A high-powered delegation of scientists and technicians led by the Director General of the Angolan Institute of Agrarian...
Gabon: AfDB supervision mission hails TAAT’s technology delivery model
The African Development Bank has commended the technology delivery efforts of Technologies for African Agricultural Tran...
TAAT holds regional workshop for Seed Actors in fragile states
With sights set on linking high-yielding, climate-resilient technologies to public and private sector partners and stake...
TAAT signs $.1 million agreement to boost food production in Comoros
The Government of Comoros has engaged Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) to provide technical a...
TAAT holds ToT on innovative technologies for Extension Officers in Malawi
With sights set on validating training materials and building the capacity of agricultural extension agents with knowled...
#AASW8: TAAT shares lessons on leading the way with agricultural innovations across Africa
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is organising a side event at the ongoing 8th Africa Agr...
TAAT Explores Agribusiness Opportunities to Enhance Partnership and Youth Engagement in Somali
In pursuit of its mandate to stimulate the establishment of youth-led agribusiness enterprises along commodity value cha...
World Bank team hails TAAT’s commitment to food systems transformation
A team of experts from the World Bank has commended the commitment of Technologies for African Agricultural Transformati...