When he bumped into his former primary school classmate along the roadside way back in 2013, the meeting was meant to be...
Youth mentorship in agribusiness records success in Kenya
Everlyne Mwende, a young lady in Kibwezi, Kenya, is passionate about agriculture. Shortly after she participated in an...
TAAT and partners highlight bean production and marketing for improved nutrition and income
On the undulating landscape of Omobirona village, in Western Kenya, is a healthy bean crop planted to showcase the newly...
Adoption of Fingerling Production Technologies transforms livelihoods in Kenya
Zinath Deen, a fish farmer from Vihiga County in Western Kenya. She has been practicing fish farming since 2012 in her f...
Bundling Inputs and Extension Services Increases Bean Production in the Lower Rift of Kenya
Across Africa, farmers’ access to agricultural advisory services is limited due to weak extension systems. This is eve...
TAAT and partners mobilise $500,000 for technology outreach programme
What started off as a conversation over lunch at a TAAT meeting organised by the Capacity Development and Technology Out...
Will the African farmer survive COVID-19?
Mr. Wycliff Wephukhulu has just retired from a very productive day at his 5-acre farm. He is trying to rush against time...
TAAT’s pathway to scale up brings hope to maize farmers in Kenya
Maize (Zea mays) is one of the most important staple crops in Africa on which an estimated 300 million people depend. Ho...
Fall Armyworm: Testing of Promising Biopesticides begins as EAC adopts Harmonized Regulations
Farmers in the East African region are staring at starvation as a result of pest related losses in maize yield running i...