Wheat is one of the most important agricultural commodities in Sudan for food security in terms of quantity and calories...
Harnessing Finance Services and Credit Access
One of the serious bottlenecks curtailing the access of improved technologies in Africa is limited access to agricultura...
Deployment of Fortenza Duo Treated Maize Varieties for Fall Armyworm Control in Southern Africa
Fall armyworms (FAW) are the caterpillar stage of moths, native to the Americas but recently reported in Africa where th...
New technologies and best management practices boost aquaculture in Africa
By Mona El AzzazyAbsence of adequately trained personnel to undertake production programmes is one of the main constrain...
The Poultry Technology Toolkits
Poultry represents one of three commodity value chains within the Livestock Compact led by the International Livestock R...
The Maize Compact’s Technology Toolkits
This Maize Compact is led by the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) and IITA with partnerships in 12 coun...
The High Iron Bean Compact’s Technology Toolkits
This Compact is led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) through partnerships in eight countries ...
The Aquaculture Compact’s Technology Toolkits
This Compact is jointly led by WorldFish and the IITA Youth Agripreneurs through activities in five countries offering g...
Fall Army Worm Emergency Response
This action operates through one of the TAAT Enablers (the FAW Compact) and is specifically intended to build the capaci...