The Rice Compact is led by AfricaRice and has established partnerships in 16 countries, mostly in West Africa where mass...
TAAT Compacts hold 2019 Joint Inception Planning Meeting for Benin
The 2019 TAAT National inception planning meeting began today in Cotonou, Benin Republic. The joint meeting which brings...
How TAAT is deploying Feed Resources and Sheep Fattening Technologies to meet Ethiopia’s Livestock needs
This story highlights the importance of leveraging. The TAAT project in its infancy could never report a story like this...
TAAT supports Seed Sector Reforms in DR Congo and Sierra Leone
Although seed is one of the most critical input in the production process, the seed systems in most African Countries ar...
TAAT sweet potato compact launched in Accra
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), has launched its sweet potato compact in Ghana with the...
Training of trainers in 8 countries to amplify local technology adoption through Innovation platforms
While proven innovative technologies undergo their proof of concept for adoption for scaling in the tier one countries u...
TAAT seeks an end to malnutrition in Africa with Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato
By Donata Kiiza Micronutrient malnutrition is characterized by chronic deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals (mi...
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Priority has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley o...