In the heart of Eastern Uganda, Edith Rehema Namusubo, a 50-year-old agri-entrepreneur, has become a beacon of innovatio...
INVESTING IN WOMEN TO ACCELERATE PROGRESS: “Women Rice Parboilers love Orilux 6 Variety promoted by TAAT” – Yeo Kadokan Inza
My name is YEO KADOKAN INZA, I am the CEO of the seed company SIMAPRES. This company is part of the Union des Sociétés...
INVESTING IN WOMEN TO ACCELERATE PROGRESS: “TAAT Technologies have transformed our lives” – Francoise Niangne
I am Mrs Françoise NIANGNE, the Manager of Société Coopérative, Agriculture Nouvelle Génération (ANGE). After part...
INVESTING IN WOMEN TO ACCELERATE PROGRESS: “With TAAT, my business has grown tremendously” – Natacha Anick KOUADIO
My name is Natacha Anick KOUADIO, I am the Director of SION Service Enterprise and President of the Côte d’Ivoire...
INVESTING IN WOMEN TO ACCELERATE PROGRESS: GEM parboiling technology has transformed my life and business – Mme Aissatou Camara
My name is Aissatou Camara, a rice parboiler and President of Société Coopérative Simplifiée des Femmes de GBEKE (SC...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Hails TAAT Programme
The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken has praised the African Development Bank Group for its exceptional e...
King Charles III: The STEP between a Royal Harvest at City Shamba and a Successful Youth in Agribusiness
Nestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Nairobi, Kenya, lies an oasis of innovation – City Shamba. Founded by Gregory...
Breaking Down the Barriers to Food Security: A Closer Look at TAAT’s role in combating hunger and malnutrition in Sierra Leone
On 24th March 2021 and, in response to the increasing concerns about food insecurity and malnutrition on the continent d...
TAAT’s deployment model offers hope for mitigating Fall Armyworm infestation
A 2022 outcome case study on Fall Armyworm (FAW) management technologies deployed by TAAT affirmed that the deployment o...