ENABLE-TAAT, African Youth Representatives engage on Agribusiness for Technology Adoption

The Capacity Development and Technology Outreach (CDTO) Compact of Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), in collaboration with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) as well as Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) has hosted about 60 youths involved in diverse agricultural value chain from a total of 22 African countries.
The workshop which held at the FARA headquarters in Accra Ghana, from 2-4 may, 2019 aligns with the new strategic plan designed to respond to emerging opportunities and challenges facing Africa (one of which includes youth unemployment) and its quest to become food secure and improve the welfare of its people by mobilizing stakeholders around a portfolio of continent-wide programs and projects.
The 3-day youth engagement workshop, on the theme “Strategic Engagements and Capacity Development of Youth in Agripreneurship for Technology Adoption” aimed to develop a set of guidelines on strategic engagement and capacity development of youth focused on Agriprenuership and scaling of technologies for increased productivity in Africa.
Giving an opening speech on behalf of the Executive Director of FARA, Dr. Irene Frempong, FARA’s Director of Research and Innovation, urged the participants to think outside the box as representatives of Africa’s youth as they contribute to the development of a continental youth empowerment strategy.
She added that TAAT will look at proven technologies, get them adapted, adopted and scaled by building the capacity of youths in Africa through its Youth Enabler (ENABLE TAAT).
The workshop was activity-packed and it covered informative presentations, enlightening sessions, and group exercises.
In the course of the workshop, participants were introduced to TAAT value chains, innovation platforms, and knowledge management. TAAT compacts were also introduced and participants urged to harness possible engagement opportunities in their respective countries.
ENABLE-TAAT representatives gave a presentation on ENABLE-TAAT approach to youth engagement in agriculture, by emphasizing activities in various countries and the incubation model.
Youth representatives from countries such as Rwanda and the Republic of Benin were interested in the youth program and indicated their support in facilitating the process of hosting the program in their individual countries.